Journal of Allergy and Infectious Disease Review Confirms Nasal Hygiene Options Are Effective Tools as Part of Multilayered Defense Against COVID-19

2021. 2. 26. 17:27
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AMERICAN FORK, Utah -- Businesswire -- A new review published in the highly regarded Journal of Allergy and Infectious Disease finds that nasal hygiene options (such as nasal sprays) are effective tools in combating COVID-19 pandemic—as part of a multilayered defense against the virus.

The authors conclude: “Limited strategies are currently accessible in modifying the viral content in infected patients’ respiratory tracts, justifying the need for novel therapeutic interventions targeting the principal route of infection. We propose that intranasal administration of virucidal and antiviral therapies may be a novel strategy to provide an added clinical benefit by decreasing the viral activity in the nasal pathway, thus preventing disease transmission, managing the disease severity and limiting complications.”

The authors indicate that the public health officials, in the US and around the world, should be encouraging people to use nasal sprays, along with other efforts (e.g., masks, social distancing, and handwashing) to counter the spread of the virus.

The authors also call the results of another Study of the use of one such nasal spray in treating COVID-19 patients as follows: “Remarkable results including a reduction of clinical course and noted improvement of symptoms as early as day 4. Furthermore, on day 7, patients tested negative on repeat RT-PCR nasopharyngeal swab instead of the average 14-day period of negativization of COVID-19. By using xylitol plus GSE in the form of an intranasal spray. . . the time to negativization was reduced by 50%.” The nasal spray administered in that study was Xlear…which is available at almost all pharmacies, grocery stores, and natural retailers in the USA and is also available worldwide.

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