Musical actor Son Jun-ho tests positive for virus

임승혜 2021. 4. 23. 16:11
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Musical actor Son Jun-ho tested positive for the coronavirus, Son's agency Sidus HQ announced Friday. "Son had been feeling unwell recently, so he voluntarily received the coronavirus test. The result came out positive, so he went into quarantine ..
Musical actor Son Jun-ho [ILGAN SPORTS]

Musical actor Son Jun-ho tested positive for the coronavirus, Son’s agency Sidus HQ announced Friday.

“Son had been feeling unwell recently, so he voluntarily received the coronavirus test. The result came out positive, so he went into quarantine straight away,” the agency said in a statement.

“We will take adequate actions requested by the health authorities. We contacted all those who came in contact with the actor so that they can undergo tests immediately as well. We apologize for causing concerns.”

Following Son’s positive test result, his wife Kim So-hyun, who is also a musical actor, also started quarantining. She is currently waiting for her test result.

Friday evening’s musical “Phantom,” in which Kim stars as a lead role, playing Christine Daaé, had to be canceled. Son had been rehearsing for the musical “Dracula,” which was set to kick off on May 18. All fellow actors and staff members got tested and are undergoing quarantine.


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