DataStreams marks 20th anniversary, vows to grow further

2021. 9. 23. 17:10
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DataStreams executives celebrate the firm’s 20th anniversary on Sept. 17. (DataStreams)

DataStreams, a data management and cloud solutions provider, marked its 20th anniversary with a pledge to accelerate the company’s growth in the next two decades.

The company hosted a ceremony for the 20th anniversary of its foundation last Friday, holding it online due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Around 163 employees tuned into the event to celebrate the firm’s anniversary and its growth over the past 20 years.

During the event, CEO Lee Young-sang highlighted the importance of leadership of new employees. “The company would see more than 100-time growth 20 years later based on its data-based technologies and experiences in the digital era,” he said.


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