Winner's Mino to drop 'To Infinity.' on Dec. 7

신민희 2021. 12. 3. 11:22
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Mino of boy band Winner will drop his third full-length album "To Infinity." on Dec. 7. The lead track on the new album will be titled "TANG!♡," referring to the sound a gun makes when it is discharged, according to his agency YG Entertainment..
The track list for Mino's third full-length album, ″To Infinity.″ [SCREEN CAPTURE]

Mino of boy band Winner will drop his third full-length album “To Infinity.” on Dec. 7.

The lead track on the new album will be titled “TANG!♡,” referring to the sound a gun makes when it is discharged, according to his agency YG Entertainment.

A 21-second-long teaser video featuring Mino in cowboy attire was uploaded to Winner’s social media channels on Friday.

Mino has been teasing fans with preview photos and a track list this week via his social media accounts. The album will consist of 10 songs.

This will be Mino's first new release in a year, since his second full-length solo album "Take" dropped in October 2020.


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