[Graphic News] S. Korea's employment rate of university grads ranks low among OECD: report

2021. 12. 7. 10:01
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 South Korea ranks low among members of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development in terms of the employment rate for university graduates due mainly to a severe mismatch between their majors and job openings, a report showed.

 The employment rate for South Koreans aged 25-34 with university diplomas came to 75.2 percent in 2020, 31st lowest among 37 comparable OECD member countries, according to the report from the Korea Economic Research Institute.

 The figure is much lower than 90.6 percent for Britain, 88.4 percent for Germany and 87.8 percent for Japan. (Yonhap)

By Nam Kyung-don(don@heraldcorp.com)

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