People Power Party Lawmaker Kim Sung-won Said, "Honestly, I Wish Some Rain Would Fall, So It Would Look Good in the Picture" in a Neighborhood Recovering from the Flood

Jung Dae-yeon, Jo Mun-hui 2022. 8. 12. 17:03
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People Power Party lawmaker Kim Sung-won said, “Honestly, I wish some rain would fall, so it would look good in the picture,” while volunteering for flood recovery activities at Sadang-dong, Dongjak-gu, Seoul on August 11. Captured from Channel A

On August 11, People Power Party (PPP) lawmaker Kim Sung-won stirred controversy when he said, “Honestly, I wish some rain would fall, so it would look good in the picture” at a site in Seoul recovering from the latest flood.

This morning, Kim was among some forty PPP lawmakers, aides, executives, and members who visited Sadang-dong, Dongjak-gu, an area in Seoul that suffered massive damages due to the downpour, to volunteer for flood recovery activities. The party’s leadership including Joo Ho-young, head of the party’s emergency response committee, and floor leader Kweon Seong-dong, as well as lawmaker Ahn Cheol-soo and former lawmaker Na Kyung-won, who are being mentioned as candidates for future party leader, were all present this day. It was the first official schedule after Joo was appointed chair of the emergency committee.

On the morning of August 11, People Power Party floor leader Kweon Seong-dong smiles brightly as he speaks with former lawmaker Na Kyung-won in front of the Sadang 2-dong Community Service Center in Dongjak-gu, Seoul. National Assembly press photographers
A citizen complains to the People Power Party leadership and yells, “What are you doing right now, blocking the road?” while Joo Ho-young, chair of the party’s emergency response committee, speaks on the microphone at the entrance of the Sadang 2-dong Community Service Center in Dongjak-gu, Seoul, before the party’s leadership volunteers for flood recovery activities on the morning of August 11. National Assembly press photographers

A video taken at the time shows lawmaker Kim saying, “Honestly, I wish some rain would fall, so it would look good in the picture.” Kweon and lawmaker Lim Lee-ja were standing next to Kim at the time. Lim, seemingly aware of the trouble Kim’s comment could stir, tapped his arm to silence him and pointed at the cameras.

Kim made the comment after Joo told his lawmakers to be careful with what they said. Joo had said, “I ask that you be aware of the flood victims’ devastation, and hope you will not fool around, make jokes and even take pictures.”

When Kim’s comment triggered attacks, he released a statement to the press and said, “At a solemn time, I was careless and inconsiderate.” “I deeply regret (my words) and apologize.” Kim further said, “In the remaining time, I will concentrate on flood recovery activities with all sincerity and do my best to help the people who suffered damages from the flood,” and added, “Once again, I apologize.”

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